Thursday, October 21, 2010
RM gatherings...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
persimmon, my old friend.
sunday was a rainy day at the market here in los was on the peek-a-boo channel. rain, drizzle, stop and then do it was so beautiful, the dance of it, seeing everyone inside the dance weathering the slight storm of something unusual, the beginnings of fall tapping on the windshield and gently asking if it can nourish us and the earth.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
first hour.
Monday, October 18, 2010
renaissance mamas: workshop for all the beautiful ladies
inspiring, empowering & nourishing YOU in the kitchen
are you single, taken, married? working hard for the money?
manifesting the idea of family? babes, pregnant, not sure?
whatever your story, everything happens in the kitchen.
it's where we heal, manifest, create, protect, nurture, nourish, sate, love, fight & bring it on. it's where our fire lives, no matter what size the match. it's where we our introduced to our beauty, cook up our power, heal our wounds in the most vital, rustic & simple ways... to nourish ourselves & our family.
what we will be cooking up in this workshop:
*your story/your kitchen: discovering who you are in this place,
where your fire is, how you want to create a kitchen culture in your home
*creating a kitchen that serves & inspires you (BEAUTY)
*RM basics in the pantry, food & tools
*empowerment in the kitchen, what this means & looks like
*FOOD! seasons, eating, beauty, connection
*includes a rustic, fall meal, lots of food & gifts to nourish you throughout the day
and so much more..
it's hard to explain the nurturing magic that happens in these gatherings...
if you feel called to this, come!
10 - 2/3ish pm
los feliz or mt washington kitchen
$125, 4/5 hours + a rustic, beautiful lunch with gifts
rsvp asap with an email & send your offering via pay pal or check
**you can also give this as a gift or pass it on to those you think would love it**