Tuesday, December 9, 2014

roasting, roasting & some more roasting.

if there is one conversation to 
have about turning on the fire
it's called roasting which really
means turning on the oven when
you walk into the kitchen without
knowing...what is going in it, what meal
you are cooking for, what time you need
to leave, all of it. you will be hungry, there
will be food: the end...or just the beginning.

this fire on in the home is a below the neck chat.
it's not about figuring anything out other than making
your tea/coffee, grabbing a bread knife or some scissors
and throwing your veggies into a dish to hang out
in the heat while you make breakfast, school lunches, 
brush your teeth and get the routine under way.
this is the way to fold your nourishment into day
to day busy lives we lead..you will need a roasting dish
or baking sheet some olive oil & salt.

turn the oven to 375-400 convection bake or roast

take out your beets, your cauliflower, turnips, carrots...
you can wash them if there is soil or you feel the need
put them in the vessel, pour oil, salt, love & done.
***no need to peel anything***
i think the prep is about 6-8 minutes depending on 
how long it takes to cut something into pieces or wash
off dirt; this can happen in 2 or 3 increments if needed
you might need to take the kids to school or the cat
is stuck in the tree or you realize you need to go on a
long drive...whatever the case you can turn off the oven
and they can cook inside the heat or take them
out knowing that you are part way there or or or ...

this idea that we need to stop and cook sets us
up to never cook except for on thanksgiving
my feelings on that topic are in a novella out of print!!
this is DOABLE.
warm your heart, your home, your family
roast something yummy today

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

persimmon chocolate chip muffins.

it's been way too long since
i have shared a warm & yummy 
recipe so here is one for the booksxxxx

inspired by www.bonafidefarmfood.com

turn on the fire to 350 & place liners in muffin pan

1 lb. hiyicha persimmon pulp
6 tbs. unsalted butter
1/2 cup light brown sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup buttermilk or plain yogurt
2 cups of cup 4 cup (gluten free flour)
2 tsp baking powder
1 cup of chocolate chips
you can also add nuts or anything else you desire!
cream the butter with the light brown sugar
add eggs and mix
scrape down sides
add buttermilk & persimmon pulp
mix until combined
in a separate bowl:
mix up dry ingredients
flours/baking powder & soda/salt
add it all to wet ingredients 
scrape down sides
add chips and other yummies
fill muffin tins 2/3 full
place in oven for 35 minutes

the holiday season is such a warm and inviting 
time to bake up a storm... try to find time to 
turn on the fire in this way... let me know how you goxxxx

Thursday, November 27, 2014

black friday sale xxxx.

all kitchen healing offerings are on sale
check it out here 

wherever you are located you can experience
this deeply nourishing & transformative work
with a healing session or kitchen healing
via Skype, phone or in person

the miracles are not only in the my kitchen
they are happening in your kitchen too with 
private couple miracles & family miracles
giving everyone room and a safe space to share
feelings and food stories within a sacred container
and some wood board love of course! 

some loving words from a current healing sessions client:
"Jules brings her whole heart, experience and intuition to this process. 
I have so much admiration for her, and gratitude for being shown these
new ways of being in the world, in the kitchen, in my body. I have had
many years of therapy, but my husband and family agree that the real
changes started when I began to talk to Jules about my difficulties,
which included disordered eating. Her unembarrassed imagination
has given me the courage to express myself, and ultimately
to care for myself. Jules brings a joyful and humorous outlook
to the process while at the same allowing me to be my most
vulnerable self. She holds that space for compassion and joy,
for light and dark. I've learned that the saving powers of beauty
and nourishment can be transformative, and they ripple out
towards the whole family. Working with Jules has
been a most powerful experience."

if you have been curious about this work
or you want to give someone the best &
most nourishing gift of the year click here

so grateful to inspire and nourish
YOU and YOURS this holiday season
and alwaysxxxx

Monday, November 10, 2014

friends cook & other news xxxx.


i am feeling very grateful for a few
wonderful events i have coming up!
a week from today: TUESDAY NOVEMBER 18
i will be doing a friends cook at canale in atwater village. 
canale is by far my most favorite restaurant in the city.
i love the nyc feel with the open kitchen, the farm to table intention,
the love & passion inside the food and of course the wine is amazing. 
the whole vibe is intimate and delicious. it's the perfect date night or
you  can bring the whole family... it works for all occasions.
check it out here.

i am honored to create a menu & cook with corina! the doors will
open at 5pm with a happy hour till 7 pm... the menu will be steeped
in the fall inspiration and of course, my desire to nourish YOU!
please come & support this local restaurant
with the best of the best food & me in my apron...
i am so looking forward to seeing youxxxx
this week....
if you are pregnant or newly a mama
and you want to sit with other women in a
safe space, come to the birth stories in venice this 
thursday evening at 7pm...i will be sharing an abundance
of wood board love and inspiring all the beauties
with kitchen healing wisdom and laughter too! 
next month....
10 - 2PM
(this will fill up reserve yours asap)

Sunday, November 2, 2014

annapurna living.


i invite you to an amazing love fest happening today!
today is the launch & birth of a dear sister friends site.
here is the thing: it's so much more than a website.
it's like coming home to a piece of you
all the hungry bits and pieces
yearning to feast inside a love filled terrain
the landscape of what a conversation can really look like
this place is called annapurna living

annapurna is deep, thick, warm and open
for you to discover, explore, swim about and nourish yourself.

"anna means food & grains. purna means full, compete & perfect.
annapurna is the symbol for the One who grants nourishment
on every level. annapoorna symbolizes the divinity of nourishing care.
when food is cooked with a spirit of holiness, it becomes alchemy."

carrie anne moss is the dreamer, believer and creator
of this gorgeous place we can go to feel and feed ourselves, inside
delicious stories, beauty art, simple recipes on creating a life that
aligns with our values; who we are now and where we are growing to.

i feel so grateful to be a part of this tribe of amazing women;
sharing my hunger, cooking up the love and making room to 
to inspire & deeply nourish all of us in the spirit of holinessxxxx 

join the love fest over here 

bringing the miracle to omaha
this week if you live there xxxx
if you want a miracle in your town
email me by replying to this post

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


this post is a story that i experienced and it is also a conversation that i am curious about. it might be an emotional terrain that has lots of sensitive parts maybe even land mine areas too. it's about our children and parties. it's also about freedom, how we define freedom with food, how we nourish a celebration, how we create fun for our children and what it looks like for the village to care, to supervise, to make sure our kids are "ok." i want to hear your ideas, put it all on a wood board and explore the foggy landscape of what this looks like in our day to day world; caring for kids at a party and what that means. here is the story...

my son was invited to his classmates birthday party. he was really excited as he knew a lot of his friends were going to be there. we had another birthday party across town later that day so i had told the mother we would need to leave earlier than expected. on the way there, my son was telling me that the birthday boy's lunch at school doesn't really look like healthy food. my son said "he gets chips ahoy cookies everyday in his lunch box and trades them in for healthier snacks." my heart sank as this is a story i hear inside my clients food stories.

all of this to tell me that he wasn't so sure about the kind of food that would be offered at the party. we talk about food a lot as you can imagine. we talk about how we feel about food and with soccer game snacks, school and parties we chat about what foods feel good in our bodies and so forth. we talk about the source of food a lot as i want my kids (and all of us!) to know where food comes from.  

when we arrived at the party, we didn't see many parents around because this was a 'drop the kid off' kind of party which was a first for me because my son just turned 8! i guess this is the time that it starts to happen. upon our arrival, the dad answered the door inviting us into a dark living room that lead into a kitchen which then lead us outside to some cushioned chairs, two balloons, a blue cooler filled with ice, fresca soda, minute maid soda and water. there was a grill with oscar meyer hot dogs, hot dog buns, frozen hamburger patties and a big block of cheddar cheese. there were red and blue themed plates and napkins too. 

the kids were all running around after each other playing a game called infection. it was fun to see them laugh and enjoy. after a few minutes, they came to get something to drink out of the cooler. they all reached for a soda and started to laugh about drinking the soda. they were toasting each other harder and harder so that the fuzzy bubbles would fizz over the top and spill all over the table. they were like a pack of wolves, surrounding this round ottoman hitting the cans together like irish men in a pub (a few beers in). it was as if i were watching them drink their first beers in college trying to get into a fraternity. there were boys that were quietly drinking and their were boys trying to get attention, hoping to be heard, to be seen with taking another soda out of the cooler, showing off and making the other boys laugh. here is the thing, i was the only parent watching them. this was not a big home where they could be easily lost or not seen and heard. the hosts were drinking wine and close by to everything. finally, after many long moments, one of the hosts said to a boy to stop spilling on the furniture. a lot of those boys had 2 sodas as i was sitting there in a 10-15 minute period. 

then lunch was served. they had a choice of hot dog or hamburger. the ketchup and mustard was on the fold out tables in the yard. i watched the kids douse their meat with pools of ketchup. this was another moment where the stand up comedy came in to effect  for those kids making fun of how much they could pour on their meat. 

no one was watching them except me & my confusion on what to do, my passion for this conversation with our kids, my love for our bodies, my grief for so many things. i watched myself like a hawk as i did not want to offend the hosts or say anything out of turn. i was acting super calm just sitting with my daughter, drinking water asking about the remodel of their home. the other part of me was screaming inside me to get up and say something. my brain said "sit down!" and my body got up, walked over to one of the boys and asked if he was ok if i called his mom just to make sure he is allowed to have the 2nd soda. i have no idea how the words even came out of my mouth. my brain was still sitting down with my daughter watching the rumpus slash lord of the flies happen. 

i knew one of the moms as she has asked me about my work and is a fan of the little miracle i do in the class. i just felt she probably wouldn't be into what was happening with her son. i guess my biggest fear is that she would get him back totally drugged up and out which is so hard to deal with as a parent. i felt so many things at that moment as i am the freakin' kitchen healer! 

at this point in the story, we have 2 sodas and probably a 1/2 of a cup of ketchup swimming around in a 50 pound boy, plus whatever is in the meat and the high fructose corn syrup & sugar in the bun. it's been less than an hour.

then my son comes up to me asking if we can stay for the piƱata. i say yes as we will leave after that. all the boys run to get in line, with colorful bags in hand, to hit the alien ship with a baseball bat. after a few rounds, all the candy comes out, sweet tarts, gobstoppers, mints, lollipops and so forth. the boys are opening up wrappers as though they have never eaten before, one candy after the next after the next. we left after that, but i believe the next thing to do was to sing happy birthday and have a cupcake. 

i can hear all the voices in my head as i write this post. i will share them with you:
what's the big deal? it's a 7 year old birthday party let them enjoy. it's a once in a while occasion. who are you to tell them what they can and cannot put in their body? it's not your responsibility to tell other kids what they can and cannot put in their bodies? if the parents say you can drop your kid off, what does supervision look like in our modern day lives? what do the parents expect? does anyone even care about this? i am sure we all care about our kids bodies and we want the best for them and those around us. i could go on and on. 

i would love to hear from you. what do you think? what would you have done? bring it on beautiesxxxx

fyi: the total sugar in one can of minute maid lemonade is 27 grams of sugar with sugar and high fructose corn syrup. the fresca has little to no sugar (grams) with aspartame and other ingredients your grandmother would not know what to do with! the meats, well you know that one.  the buns, the candy, the cake. i mean... maybe 100 grams of sugar or a lot more.. in a two hour period. the daily amount for a kid from 4 - 8 years old is 12 grams per day.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

painting prayers.


why is it so hard to slow down? 
i hunger for the slow down...not too slow
of course! it seems to go in waves, all of these
pieces of the puzzle: the school fundraisers,
the soccer games, the holidays,
all of the needs, the needs, the needs,
the new beginnings into the eye of many
storms with all that we put on ourselves
i need to breathe just writing about it!

one practice that slows me down
is making time to create with o & b
i love tuning into the other languages
inside me with color and texture
what is hungry in there? 
what do i feel like in those realms? 
we will make a time in the day
maybe when they are home healing
or on a weekend to create together
i prepare the art table with paint,
rocks, leaves, sticks. we have a basket
of random things we collect on walks or trips
we will put the music on and begin a color story.
painting is another way i nourish
my body, my heart break, my hunger
it can be it's own feast of prayers
and intentions to manifest our deepest
desires or our wish for the day whether it
be rocks for the altar
gifts for those you love
or just simply listening to another voice inside
being mindfully mindless together


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

beauty's crispy rice balls.

this is one of those life saving
(shame disappearing)
feel good for your body snacks
that you can make in about 10 - 12 minutes
once i got over the idea of making them
i haven't stopped (and i won't stop :)

sometimes just the idea of something new
can just stop us in our tracks... you know what i mean? 
sometimes there is this resistance to the unknown
and these balls had that hold on me! ha!
until i let GOOOOOO and made room for this
delish snack that is so easy, full of protein and makes
me feel so good to say YES to seconds and thirds!

 you might need to buy some new ingredients for 
this recipe which was part of my pause
here is your LIST:
any nut butter you like
almond, cashew, peanut
"sweet dreams" brown rice syrup//lundberg
brown rice crisps cereal //barbara's
hemp protein, chia seeds, cacao powder
you can usually get these in the bins at a health food
store or navitas naturals is another brand i love

1/3 cup cashew butter
1/3 cup peanut butter
2/3 cup brown rice syrup
warm all of the above in a 
small pot on low to medium
in a wide bowl put
3 cups rice crisps
1/4 cup hemp protein
1/4 cup chia seeds
1 tbs cacao
let the nut butter mixture cool 
and with a spatula pour
this into the big bowl and mix
almost like you are doing a bit of
folding it all together
once it's all mixed well
make balls or flatten it in a small
baking sheet and use your cookie cutter
for hearts, circles or any shape you like
then place it in the freezer for 10 min +
once you have had your yummy snack
you can store the rest in some glass tupperware
in your fridge for up to a week or more
they do not last that long in my house!

never felt so good
support, nourishment &
know how for the holiday

Wednesday, September 17, 2014



what is a miracle day?
it's a day to be truly inspired & deeply nourished
with beauty & abundance in food, poetry, laughter,
discovering our stories, our basic needs & our hunger.

it's a day to begin the conversation:
what does it feel like to live a nourished life?

what happens at the miracle? 
it's a day that moves the rut, shifts the stuck,
nurtures the depletion, clears the confusion,
lightens the heavy, creates the space & time for you
to be with you and a few other amazing women.

OCTOBER 5, 2014
10 - 3pm

you will be fed a farm to table feast of locally
grown deliciousness & beauty throughout the day

 love from miracle beauties:
Thank you very much for nourishing my body, mind and spirit. 
I stepped through my front door about 45 minutes ago with
invigorating inspiration. The fruits in my bag are now nourishing
my children's and husband's bodies. They enjoyed every piece of it,
and the rosemary is in water. Thank you for providing a safe,
loving space for our journeys to meet through conversation.
You are amazing!

I'm feeling really good. Much more aware of the kids food intake
and how it impacts their emotional well-being...and mine!!
It really was a life changing moment in time.
Thanks so much for giving so much to all of us.

i will be offering one-on-one healing sessions
& kitchen consults while i am in the city.
you will receive a free 20 minute skype session
by signing up here for a session. 

if i can make it there
i'll make it anywhere
it's up to you