Thursday, June 27, 2013

dark chocolate bark//iphone.

how beauteous is this?
and it's SOOOOOOO
bring in the kiddos
bring in the love fest
this is a fun family activity
in the kitchen!
this is super good for you
in terms of candy makin'

dark chocolate bark
(inspired by it's all good)
14 oz. of good quality dark chocolate
(i love green & blacks 70% dark bars)
i used 4 bars for a small baking sheet
roughly chopped//sliced almonds
coconut flakes//goji berries
pistachios//maldon sea salt
as for measurement i just put how
much i wanted on each pan

*rock it*
line baking sheet with parchment paper
i place a bit of oil on baking pan
spread it around & then place paper on it
so that the paper will stick nicely down into pan
(no fighting with the paper and the melted chocolate!)
bring a pot of water to a boil 
place chocolate into a glass bowl
& set it over the pot
i like to stir the chocolate
with a wooden spatula/spoon
while its melting
it can be very grounding
stir until it's completely melted
pour into your baking pan
then go at it with your toppings
sprinkle them any which way you like
put the pan in the freezer for about 15 - 30 minutes
so it has time to set and you can break it apart
to eat immediately or put it in fridge in an air tight container!

this is such a great gift or a sweet to have at the ready
super doable & fun for everyone

i hope you will try this and tell me what you think
click into the blog & let me know in the comment section
what do you think about the iphone experiment? 
will you tell me in the comments too? this is the first time i have 
used my iphone for a full post! i would love to know your thoughts!

the next miracle is
there will be special
happenings for this one!
july 26th//10 - 1pm//$100
rsvp soon//we are almost full

Monday, June 24, 2013

summer in a ball jar//white peach & ginger.

the old me: who has time to
make a summer drink?
you (& the old me): not me
the new me: we have time now!
this is so delicious!
it's summer in a ball jar!
you: wow, ok, love it.
(or maybe that's you and me)

white peach& ginger
(inspired by it's all good)

3 cups water
1/2 cup raw honey
(i think this was buckwheat or avocado)
2 1/2 pounds white peaches*
(about 8/no pits/chopped)
2" knob of fresh ginger

*fire away*
put everything in a medium sized pot
on high heat//bring to a boil//
turn off & cover pot
let it cool to room temp
puree in blender
here is where it gets tricky
the recipe calls for straining
which is not an RM//julesy thing to do
(who has the freakin' time!!!!)
i just want to make something
in the two precious minutes i have
sound familiar? 
so i did try to sieve this beyatchie
but it was taking FOREVAH
so i drank it as is
which was so so so good
a little thicker than intended
(and frothy) but the taste was delightful
it's gotta be over ICE!

it really did feel like the summer
vibration hit me in a whole new way
i want to know your special summer drinks
& if you make this recipe will you share it with us?
click into the blog & comment

*if you are close to the hollywood farmers market
go to ken's stand...his stone fruit are the best.
mango nectarines & white peaches are out
right now & they are incredible!
so lucky to be blessed with the best.*

Thursday, June 20, 2013

dbd//daily beauty dose.



Tuesday, June 18, 2013

beauty cubes.

"the experience of beauty can be immediate and overwhelming:
like love at first site" piero ferrucci

this is what happened to me in creating this piece
i couldn't stop
803 photos later.......
i mean they are just ice cubes right? 
they are not
just ice cubes.

they are pure essence of beauty
they are the earth
they are life
they are vulnerability
they are intimacy
they are fancy pants
they are everything
all in one moment
all in one moment of 
just making ice cubes

do you (& me) a favor
pick up some edible flowers
these are lavender, cornflower & violas
(from silverlake farms at the hollywood market)
you can pick them up at whole foods or a neighbors garden
super fun for the kids to get involved too
the only thing you will need is a strainer
to pour the water into glasses from the carafe 
unless you don't mind a cornflower lub ;)

you can also do this with basil and lemon
or any herb/citrus combo you want to try

it's worth the fun
trust me
beauty is the only way

Thursday, June 13, 2013

summer solstice miracle.

i have 2 spots open for the miracle on june 21!
the summer solstice marks the onset of summer with
the longest day of the year... which makes me think that YOU 
might have some time to come over to my kitchen! let's bathe, steep,
& ritualize this time with a BEAUTY love fest of summers' medicinal 
delights inside many doable & delicious dishes that you will
be inspired to make when you get home!

10 - 1PM

it's 1000000% guaranteed  to leave you inspired, fed, sated, loved &
ready to cook new foods to nourish you & your family
OR your money back ;)

some love from the may miracle:

"talk about a nourishing lunch: spent midday with jules blaine davis
and six other mothers talking about food, children, challenges,
local markets and enjoying a delicious, thoughtfully planned lunch
by jules. we modern mamas create our own villages,
and jules is at the heart of that movement."

"it was a remarkable afternoon, yummy and
delicious food and conversation!"

to reserve your 
wood bowl
(next one is a birthday
miracle july 26)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

zucchini linguine//macadamia nut pesto.

this one is pretty much everything you see
(beauty incarnate)
3 minute steamed zucchini ribbons
3 minute cuisine art pesto love fest
so many ideas you can add if you desire
fits in the summer wardrobe perfectly 
it's totally plant based
so you can hear your cells singing

zucchini fettuccine//macadamia nut pesto//paleo pasta*
4 yellow/green zucchini
pesto gathering: 
1/2 cup macadamia nuts
1 bunch cilantro or parsley or both
1 clove garlic
some squeezes of meyer lemon
1/2 cup olive oil
sea salt

*rock it*
(look at pic)
put everything in the cuisinart
pulse it to taste
you may need to add lemon or salt
it's also good sitting with all the ingredients 
for a bit too.. it gets better as it sits.
create ribbons with a basic peeler
steam the ribbons for 3 minutes
they tend to collect moisture 
so i like to place them in a colander
with a plate/towel underneath the colander
to drain the liquid a bit
but it's not necessary!
mix all together in a big bowl
and serve while warm or
you can wait if you need to

amazing as a full meal
or as a side with 
shrimp or wild salmon
this is also a great dish
to bring to a potluck
break it down

i LOVE hearing from you
click to the blog
leave a comment
how did it turn out? 

*inspired by practical paleo//diane sanfilippo*

Thursday, June 6, 2013

sweet potato & zucchini quichkes (paleo pancakes).


so this one is not the blend it all together & make a meal
as it does take a little more time shredding with the cuisinart
or by hand, mixing everything together & then flipping them
on the was SO worth it because my kids devoured them!!

this recipe is inspired by the book practical paleo
these were used as a hamburger buns but it also
brought me back to making latkes where you can add 
all the veggies you want! it's slightly more eggy 
which makes it almost like a quichke cake ;)

sweet potato zucchini quichkes

3 eggs
2 tsp coconut flour
(i used more here)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp salt
2 cups shredded
sweet potato & zucchini*
coconut oil for frying
*work it*
shred veggies (keep peels on)
grab a big mixing bowl
beat eggs and add all spices and flours in 
then add your shredded veggies
mix everything together
(i was not extreme with the measurements!)
just added things as with my fingers
easy to mix this with a fork or your hand
*fire it up*
grab a iron clad or good thick pan
put it on medium high
get a plate with napkins on it
or a paper bag to put on side
for when the quichkes are ready
add some coconut oil 
grab a small handful of batter
place on the hot pan
flatten with spatula and wait till 
the bottom is browning then flip 
over and do the same on that side
you will find your way in this pancake
process & then place them on the plate

*you can also use regular potatoes & 
other seasonal veggies for this recipe!
you can also use any kind of flour you have on hand*

i hope you love these
click onto the blog
& leave a comment

june 21